Wake up early
Light a Cigarette.
So happy I could die.<3
Such a wonderful feeling when you wake up around 7 am just ready to prepare some coffee, turn the TV on, open the curtains, stretch.
Light a cigarette!!! Relax and take a look how the sun starts coming out.
And finally what else would be better if I could have Starbucks close to me.
AND I DO! thank God.
So happy I could Die and ready for a new day
Some other thing I love to do when I've 9 ams on Mondays -_-
Since I live in-campus I'm not too far away from my classroom.
so I love walking with a coffee and of course listening music. Plus
a little bit of exercise is never too bad. (:!
Spending more than 40$ just in coffee is a BIG PAIN ONE THE ASS so I support home made coffee, It's easy
fast, and you have more control of your ingredients.
I'm kind of trying to save some extra money for a frappuccino machine xP lol
but i guess that'll come after I GET A DECENT JOB.
Anyways I enjoy doing my mornings very comfortable.

Japanese culture believes that regular tasks in human life wouldn't be so monotonous if we could try to do some kind of ritual or ceremony for every regular activity. In that way we would enjoy more every day and appreciate every minute of it <3
Ohh sweet Caramel Frapuccino