Si pensabas irte para que coños volviste?
Y todas estas cosas que nunca suspiste
Aun hay mucho mas que quiero decirte..
En fin puede que mañana incluso me hayas olvidado.
Donde iremos de aqui ahora que sabras que....
Me han mentido tantas veces que ya no diferencio la verdad entre palabras que se van y vienen.
Y esque quizas todo tenga un principio y un final
la vida cambia y con ella todo; lo dificil es mantenerse como siempre.
Solo quien te quiere de verdad permanecera a tu lado siempre.
date cuenta.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


Gracias por hacer de mi navidad algo increible. (Christmas 2009)

Estas fotos son mias: Original de Sadice Crimson

There was... there was a girl who could only live on lemonade, or her parents were really old and rubbish and just kept giving it to her til the point where she couldn't have anything else, or they were really nice, and only gave it to her because they really liked her - I can't decide that bit. She could only live on lemonade; if she didn't have lemonade, she'd die and her parents were gonna die soon too 'cause they had something wrong with them like... their blood was blue or something like that... and she had a brother but he was really stupid, so no one really cared about him, they just wanted their little girl to live.

The only trouble is... no one thought about her brother... she was in a bottle. He was on his own, and no one thought about him... they just left him. So he sat by her, her brother. He sat by her in the bottle and 'cause lemonade helped her eye sight she could see him really clearly through the sides, even though the glass was... as thick as a skull. And 'cause it was the countryside, there was nothing for him to eat, nothing for him to buy... and he was starving, and she could see that... and there was no one looking after him, and 'cause he was a bit stupid he couldn't really look after himself, and it kept on raining, so he was getting a bit rusty. 

She was having an amazing time in the lemonade but, she knew she had to help him... so she swam to the surface, but she couldn't get out - it was too far away, this bottle was too big. She knew she had to do something, he was getting worse and worse, and he was really hungry and thirsty, and he started eating grass and puking up all the time. So she tried to think of some plan for it, all she knew is that he needed her with him. All she could do was watch him puke his guts up on the other side of the glass.

And then bingo.... she knew... she started to drink. She drank and she drank and she drank... and this was a lot of lemonade... enough to last until she died. 'Cause her parents wanted her to live for ages, but she drank... every last drop, until she was in an empty bottle, but that was no good - she still couldn't get out. But that was okay, because she just waited until she had a big one stored up... 'Cause she drank all the pop, - she drank all the lemonade - she started to fart. it was slow at first, but then it was really loud and hard, and she blew her way out of the bottle, straight through the top like a rocket.

Then she stopped her brother eating grass, and they went and found a nice little house to live in together, her and her brother. And it turned out that drinking all that lemonade had cured her, 'cause she never wanted it again... She had orange for the rest of her life...'

Wake up early


Light a Cigarette.


So happy I could die.<3

 Such a wonderful feeling when you wake up around 7 am just ready to prepare some coffee, turn the TV on, open the curtains, stretch.

Light a cigarette!!! Relax and take a look how the sun starts coming out.


And finally what else would be better if I could have Starbucks close to me. 
AND I DO! thank God.


So happy I could Die and ready for a new day

Some other thing I love to do when I've 9 ams on Mondays -_-

Since I live in-campus I'm not too far away from my classroom.
so I love walking with a coffee and of course listening music. Plus
a little bit of exercise is never too bad. (:!


Spending more than 40$ just in coffee is a BIG PAIN ONE THE ASS so I support home made coffee, It's easy
fast, and you have more control of your ingredients.
I'm kind of trying to save some extra money for a frappuccino machine xP lol
but i guess that'll come after I GET A DECENT JOB.
Anyways I enjoy doing my mornings very comfortable.

 Japanese culture believes that regular tasks in human life wouldn't be so monotonous if we could try to do some kind of ritual or ceremony for every regular activity. In that way we would enjoy more every day and appreciate every minute of it <3

Ohh sweet Caramel Frapuccino


As again I would say this is one of those days when I love to remember you.
It's 3 in the morning, it's too cold for going outside.
Smoking a cigarettes is painful now, but I guess it doesn't matter. Because I'm here.
Remembering you, remembering how fun was to stare at nothing but at the same time
feeling your arms around me.
"It was suppose to be a romantic date, but I guess things doesn't go as I always wanted. But at least you do, you always go as I wanted"
Leafs are flying and time faded away those memories. At least for a while.
But you're not here now, and probably you might have said the same phrase a thousands times already.
But you're not here and it's quite different.
Quite different that what we meant to be never actually happened.
And if you do remember this is because in you heart did happened.
Not physically...
What we where meant to be was...
Something that never happened.


I don't own all pictures on my posts, some are simply an inspiration for me.

I use this blog, for my own thoughts or interests.. everything what goes through my mind and heart :) I'll share with you. I am going to post what I want and when I want, it can be 2 imes a week or 4 times a day,soo let yourself be surprised x
